Be open-minded
Have courage
Don't be afraid to start something new
There's nothing more expensive
then a missed opportunity
Don't wait for opportunity.
Move towards it and make
it happen.
The only difficulty for this page is deciding where to start. There is just so much to say, so I will try to keep it simple.
Atomy is an online shopping mall. That is simply what it is.
Nothing different then going shopping on Amazon or Ebay or many other online websites.
Atomy sells top quality products at reasonable prices. The products are natural and carefully researched. They are proven.
They keep their costs down by not having a physical store with loads of inventory, even our packaging is simple. They use the power of their quality products to move inventory. And they have become a billion dollar global industry.
Atomy is a revolution in the network marketing industry! With no fees ever, and no incentives tied to recruiting or bonus levels, Atomy is an honest and fair opportunity for everyone. There’s truly no risk, so if you are looking for residual income – the art of making money while you sleep – then Atomy is the company for you.
Let me tell you more important information. One of the biggest pieces of information is that there is NO RISK to joining Atomy.
There is NO cost to join, NO start up packages, NO fees, NO minimum purchases, NO auto ship.
It's the opportunity to make residual income that your children and their children can inherit. It's an honest business.
It is network marketing whose binary system makes it easy to help others. There is a ceiling cap on earnings of $1500.00 Cdn per day, so those that join the business later can still make the same level of income as those above if they put in the same effort. There are mastership levels anyone can reach if they run their business wisely. Again, these have caps to keep it honest.
Those who join later have the ability to make more then those who join ahead of them. There is no money made from recruiting others into your team. Money is made based on points earned from purchases. Just as in any type of business.
I have put up some videos to help explain.
Park Joo Young is a Sharon Rose Master in Atomy, a very good speaker and an excellent source of information. If you are serious about wanting to move forward in life, if you are serious about wanting more, for wanting residual income that your children and their children can inherit.
If you are serious about wanting a better life, then simply watch the following videos for information on Atomy's compensation plan
PV stands for Point Value. These are points collected by members from purchases made by themselves and their downlines in order to make commission. Each product we sell has point values attached.
Atomy works on a Binary system. This means that we have two "legs". In order to build our business we simply recruit others and sign them up under each leg. This gets duplicated again and again with those under who wish to create their own Atomy business building legs of their own and those who do not simply remain consumers. There are no limits to how many people can be signed up and there is no money made simply from signing up other people.
With Atomy's system it does not matter when you start. If you put in the same effort and achieve the same volume as those at the top you can make the same money. It is all based on personal effort. The ceiling cap ensures that it isn't only those who started first make all the money.
© Atomy.Work 2021 Designed by Agency Magic Online
We have one global ID, that means that whatever country you live in, you are able to build a global business right from your own home. This Global ID means that you can, and will, have members from any country Atomy distributes to. Currently, Atomy ships to about 50 countries from 20 global distribution centers.
The idea is to build a residual income. Residual income means that you are continuing to be compensated even after the work is already completed. Residual income only comes from repeat consumer purchases.
The products are amazing, and once people try our products, they become hopelessly enamoured. They become a consumer by reordering on a regular basis and trying other Atomy products. It is the number of people under you purchasing that becomes your business, providing you with residual income.
Atomy is based on consumer success and that leads to the creation of a successful business with our company while trying our products and sharing them with others. People who love Atomy continue to be some of the most loyal consumers, and they are what drives our residual income in the long run. Isn't that exciting?
One of the comments we always get is that is must be a pyramid scheme. These have been illegal for years, and Atomy could never have become an almost 2 billion dollar global company by operating its business that way. It would have been shut down long ago. there is no doubt that Atomy is a legitimate business, as you will see over and over again.
Pyramid schemes operate in a long line with one person at the top. Others join in this long line, and no one really benefits, except those at the top. They have monthly fees, they have start up packages, they auto ship and they make money from recruiting, not actually selling any products. Atomy is completely different. It is an honest and fair opportunity for everyone. Remember there are no fees to join Atomy, we work from a binary system and we work as a team. We only make commission of PV's from purchases made, not from recruiting. Buy whatever you need, when you need it, how much you need and have it delivered to your door just like shopping on Amazon.
As stated earlier, Atomy works on a binary system with a ceiling cap.
for a more comprehensive look at Atomy's unique Compensation Plan